Catalyst News

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Our revolutionary big data technology enables you to:· Get the breaking news from all major outlets in a single stream· Discover the most shared content among liberals and conservatives· Break out of your echo chamber: see what specific groups of people are talking about· Keep track of content trending in social media during the last hour, day, and week· Subscribe to all your favorite publishers· Follow columnists, blogs, communities, and issues· Flag and keep track of fake newsCatalyst News is currently available in English, Portuguese and Romanian in the following countries:Brasil: Folha de São Paulo, Estadão, El País, O Globo, Veja, BBC Notícias Brasil, Brasil 247, Revista Piauí, Carta Capital, O Antagonista, e mais de 250 outras fontes de notícias e conteúdo.Romania: Adevărul, Realitatea, România Liberă, Digi24, Dilema Veche, Evenimentul Zilei, Știri pe Surse, Ziarul Financiar, Hot News și peste 150 de alte surse de știri din România